Summit South (Rochester, WA)
Program Descriptions
Choose a program below for full class details
Our community features three distinct academic programs Summit South Basecamp, Traverse, and Electives, for students from ages 5-13. In addition to these rigorous programs, Summit South in Rochester, WA offers a variety of electives that foster skill-building and camaraderie through shared experiences.
Learn more about our program offerings below.
AGES 5-9
$699 (30 week program)
Director: Melissa Swan (Summit South, Tuesday)
Basecamp students will rotate through four class sessions each week: Claritas memory work, parent-led review games, science labs, and historically-themed art projects. Presentation skills will be introduced in our art class and be integrated throughout the program, allowing each student multiple opportunities throughout the year to give presentations.
To benefit from the academic overview that Basecamp provides, parents will need to reinforce and augment reading, writing, spelling and math with additional resources at home.
Claritas Memory Work Cycle 3
Students will acquire grammar memory pegs (or facts to memorize) in nine subject areas, including history, math, science, Latin, English grammar, Scripture, geography, hymns and timeline. Specifically, the Claritas Cycle 3 Memory Work Guide emphasizes the historical period from the Dutch Revolt to the California Gold Rush and geographical locations and features of North America. The Guide includes math principles, skip counting, and an introduction to chemistry terms and relevant scientists. The Latin verb esse (to be) and the 1st and 2nd declension nouns are introduced. The English grammar section focuses on pronouns after covering the basic definitions of each part of speech and the fundamentals of sentences. Review of memory work at home is strongly encouraged and motivational goals will be given for your student’s success.
Science Class: Hands-on Labs
In lab class, we will investigate chemistry with hands-on experiences and activities. Some topics covered include the scientific method, states of matter, atoms, element symbols, and chemical reactions. Review the Cycle 3 guide for our full year of science topics.
Historical Art Projects and Presentations
Students will learn the basics of drawing, painting, and creative artwork with historically-themed art instruction. We will focus on art projects that reflect the early modern period or an artist from that time. There will be hands-on projects like creating the Taj Mahal using ink transfer. We hope to build our children's confidence in creativity and inspire perspective as they learn history at home. While families read about each topic at home using the history curriculum of their choice, we will reinforce the time period through art projects in class.
Once each quarter, students will have the opportunity to give a 2-3 minute presentation on history, geography, science, or any topic they are excited about. A calendar of our historical art projects, science labs and presentation dates will be provided.
Basecamp Required Resources
Memory Work subscription and
Claritas Cycle 3 Memory Work Guide
Claritas Publishing
Supplemental Cycle 3 materials are available online
Basecamp Suggested Resources for At Home
The Story of the World, Vol. 3: Early Modern Times (revised edition)
Susan Wise Bauer
Additional Resources
Consider these options for 8-year-olds planning to enter the Traverse program the following year:
An introduction to the IEW Structure and Style Writing Method is highly recommended as preparation for Traverse
Other supplemental materials from Claritas Publishing:
Handwriting Sheets, flash cards, audio options, timeline cards
Memorization of the English grammar portion of Cycle 3
Cross Seven subscription is recommended with the use of quizzes
Math and Science curricula that follow the focus of Cycle 3
AGES 9-12
$799 (30 week program)
Director: Melissa Swan (Summit South Tuesday)
The Traverse program bridges the Knowledge and Understanding stages as it prepares older elementary students, ages 9-12, for the Ascent program. Traverse guides will lead students and their parents in learning elements of English grammar, composition, science labs, hands-on history art projects, and memory work throughout the day. Students will have the opportunity to create and give presentations. They will also enjoy a dedicated time for group math games and activities.
Students are equipped and encouraged to include memory work at home in nine subject areas including history, math, science, Latin, English grammar, geography, scripture and hymns. Some memory work will be integrated into the core subject times each week. Following the Claritas Cycle 3 Memory Work Guide, Traverse students will keep to the same schedule as the Basecamp students.
Institute for Excellence In Writing (IEW)
IEW teaches students a step-by-step process that includes note-making and outlines, writing from notes, summarizing references, formal essay models, and inventive or creative writing. Students will be expected to write a paper each week, and they will have regular opportunities to share their work in class. At least one parent is expected and required to attend the 8 IEW viewings that are shown throughout the year. These may be shown during lunch on Wednesday.
English Grammar
Students will learn the fundamentals of our language, including the parts of speech, composition rules, sentence diagramming, and parsing sentences. Homework will be suggested each week to help students practice their skills.
Science in the Age of Reason by Dr. Jay Wile is the fourth book in a hands-on, multilevel elementary science series that introduces scientific concepts using history as its guide. It covers the scientific works of natural philosophers from the early 1600s to the early 1800s. Because the course covers science as it was developed, it discusses a wide range of topics including astronomy, medicine, botany, zoology, chemistry, geology, human physiology, electricity, conservation laws, and weather. Students learn not only the science that was being discovered at the time, but also the beliefs of the natural philosophers who were discovering it. As a result, students can see how a person’s worldview affects his or her scientific conclusions.
The textbook is built around hands-on activities and experiments, and includes three levels of review questions so that you may choose the depth of your family’s exploration. We will complete most of the activities and experiments during our meeting time, and, for a deeper learning experience, parents are encouraged to read the book at home. A scope and sequence for lesson topics and in-class labs will be made available. There will not be any homework assignments from class.
Hands-On History and Art
This year, our history class will focus on early modern history. We will follow The Story of the World Volume 3: Early Modern Times curriculum and incorporate hands-on projects including crafting, model building, drawing, and painting. We will spotlight famous artists from the early modern times, taking some time to observe their work. At the end of the year, students will participate in a History Fair, which includes a presentation of a historical figure they have studied and written about.
Traverse Required Resources
Teaching Writing: Structure and Style, Second Edition [Seminar Workbook]
Andrew Pudewa, Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW)
U.S. History-Based Writing Lessons [Teacher/Student Combo], Second Edition
Lori Verstegen, IEW
English Grammar
Claritas Publishing
Dr. Jay L. Wile
Berean Builders
Memory Work
Claritas Cycle 3 Memory Work Guide
Cycle 3 Audio CDs or Audio Download, or subscription
Claritas Publishing
Traverse Suggested Resources for At Home
English Grammar
Cycle 3 FGG Workbook: Units 1 & 2 (consumable)
Claritas Publishing
Story of the World, Vol 3: Early Modern Times (revised edition)
Susan Wise Bauer
SUMMIT Electives
Tuesdays (Rochester, WA)
4-13 years old
Director: Melissa Swan
Tuesday afternoons at Grace Baptist Church. 19136 Loganberry St SW, Rochester, WA 98579
Five, 5 week long sessions from September - May. Open to all homeschool students. Fill out Questionnaire here to join. Children under 10 must have a parent on-site at all times. As long as children are able to follow instructions and not cause disturbances for other students, parents are not required to be in class with their student. $35/Family Yearly Registration Fee (Waived for families who are enrolled in the AM academic program). Class fees range from $40-$55 per class per session.
Session 3: January 14th- February 11th, 2025
1:00-1:50 PM
Creating Art through Patterns and Texture, K-6th, $40
Tutor: Sandra Wallace
Students will explore a variety of creative techniques and projects designed to build their artistic skills and imagination. Each week focuses on a new concept: drawing cacti with intricate patterns, experimenting with dot art, and creating colorful paper coiled designs.
1:00-1:50 PM
Lego Challenges, K-3rd, $35 Tutor: Deanna Worrall
Brick builders unite! Unleash your creativity and have a blast with LEGOs! We'll build creations, while learning cool engineering and design skills. Get ready to collaborate with friends, problem-solve, and see your imagination come to life with LEGO bricks!
2:00-2:50 PM Sessions 3-5
Exploring United States Geography through Picture Books (K-5th Grade)
Melissa Swan-Free with yearly registration fee-$35/family
Each week, students will enjoy an engaging picture book read-aloud featuring US geography followed by hands-on activities, map work, art projects, and more! This is a fun way to learn basic geography terms, mapping skills, and exposure to the 50 states and their capitals, the Great lakes, national parks and landmarks! Most books will be tailored to the K-4th grade students but coordinating activities will include options for older students. This class is 15 weeks long. However, students are welcome to join at the beginning of 2:00-2:50 PM Sessions 3-5
Exploring United States Geography through Picture Books (K-4th Grade)
Melissa Swan-Free with yearly registration fee-$35/family
Each week, students will enjoy an engaging picture book read-aloud featuring US geography followed by hands-on activities, map work, art projects, and more! This is a fun way to learn basic geography terms, mapping skills, exposure to the 50 states and their capitals, the Great lakes, national parks and landmarks! Most books will be tailored to the K-4th grade students but coordinating activities will provide options for older students if desired. This class runs in 3, 5-week sessions. Each 5-week session is a stand-alone so students can join at the beginning of any session and still benefit. This class is offered free of charge ($35 yearly registration fee per family still applies to cover facility usage).
Session 4: February 25th- March 25th, 2025
1:00-1:50 PM
Art: Wildlife Wonders (K-6th) $40
In this exciting, animal-themed art session, students will use different techniques and mediumsbringing the animal kingdom to life in their vibrant creations.
Young Anatomy and Physiology (K-6th) $40 Tutor: Deanna Worrall
This interactive anatomy and physiology class is designed to introduce children aged 5 to 12 to the wonders of the human body. This workshop encourages a foundational understanding through fun and educational activities, fostering a curiosity about how our bodies function.
Session 5: April 8th- May 6th, 2025
Master Artists, (K-6th) $40
Tutor: Sandra Wallace
Each week students will learn about a famous artist from history while creating their own masterpiece using a similar style and medium.
The Science of Electricity- K-6th, $40
Tutor: Deanna Worrall
In this exciting, animal-themed art session, students will use different techniques and mediums
bringing the animal kingdom to life in their vibrant creations.
Students embark on a hands-on adventure discovering the exciting world of electricity! Through
dynamic experiments and hands-on activities, students explore the magic of electrons,