Building community through
educational & recreational adventures.
View Program Comparison Table Here
We offer over 60 exciting classes for youth and adults through a variety of programs:
Summit Homeschool Community (K-12)
Compass Homeschool Community (K-12)
Outdoor School
Individual Classes and Clubs through us and Lacey and Tumwater Parks and Recreation
We also offer mobile classes for your group in Archery Tag, Floorball, Kin ball, PE, Lego, Robotics, Biking, Boating
and more!
To see which programs include the classes you desire, view class table.
Pick from 45+individual active, social, & academic elective classes for students K-12. Compass meets on Tuesdays and or Wednesday afternoon where we explore new subjects, make new friends and discover new skills!
Classes options include: PE , cooking , Robotics, mechanics, vehicle maintenance, LEGO challenges, art, Spanish, Archery Tag, Floorball, rocketry, creative writing, theater, WA State History and more!!!!
Summit provide 28-weeks of engaging K-12 classes using a classical education model. Complete with creative, hands-on projects, our staff make hard-to-teach subjects fun and interactive, so you and your children can learn & thrive together!
Classes meet Wednesdays or Tuesdays, and families plan field trips, moms nights, and park days throughout the year.
Joshua 1:9, A Non-Profit Organization exists to build community for youth & adults through recreation & education in the Thurston County area.
We create engaging opportunities through programs such as: Outdoor School, Biking Club, Summit Homeschool Community, Compass Homeschool Community which offers 60+ elective classes, mobile opportunities, like Archery Tag, Floorball, Lego Challenges, Vex Robotics, and Kin Ball and many other educational activities, available for family events, local camps, and municipalities.
We are passionate about learning & adventures and want to provide students, of all ages, the chance to explore new subjects, hobbies, & skills.